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ORSID: 0000-0003-4620-8942

DOI 10.37566/2707-6849-2021-1(34)-3


Valeriia GOLUB,

graduate student, the Department of Law Enforcement and Police of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs



The study is devoted to the problem of the need to increase the efficiency of the law enforcement system of Ukraine, its institutions such as the State Migration Service of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine. The article considers one of the areas of intensification of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the organization of their interaction, namely: a comprehensive approach to the state to ensure the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Ukraine, effective measures to ensure public order and public security. Emphasis is placed on the need to take further steps to strengthen the interaction between the National Police and the State Migration Service, study and use in this process the positive experience of the law enforcement system of Ukraine. Appropriate measures are proposed for more effective cooperation between the State Migration Service and the National Police in ensuring human rights and freedoms in Ukraine.

Considering the experience of the results of joint activities of the SCSU and the NPU on the protection of constitutional human rights and freedoms in the Kharkiv region, the study provides sound proposals for further and more effective promotion of such forms of work. The article provides examples of practical results of joint work of the SCSU and NPU, which confirm the feasibility of establishing cooperation in the functioning of these law enforcement agencies. The situation in the country with the protection and realization of the rights of some categories of foreign citizens and stateless persons staying on the territory of Ukraine is also analyzed.

The study examines the current situation in the country with the protection of refugee rights, highlights the factors that force society and government agencies that determine migration policy in Ukraine, to pay attention to this, to focus on the factors and consequences of these violations.

Keywords: National Police of Ukraine, State Migration Service of Ukraine, interaction, law enforcement body, human rights, migrant, refugee, public safety, public order.


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