Judge of the Court of Appeal of Odessa region, Secretary of the Chamber for Civil Cases of the Court of Appeal of Odessa region, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor



The article deals with the current state of enforcement mechanism in the context of precedent in modern court practice and the potential recognition of court precedent as a source of law. According to the investigation, author suggests ways for realization of law enforcement mechanism in Ukraine. Besides, he considers precedent being a source of law and underlines its coexistence with positive law which is traditionally main source of law. Author makes a suggestion that principle of law supremacy can be realized only on the materially-legal constituent of dispute decision according to the procedural requirements of the current forms of legal proceedings. It is noted that for rules of law application (legal principles), the possibility of non-compliance with norms of material and procedure legislation application needs legislative determination.

Key words: mechanism of law enforcement, court precedent, court practice, the European Court of Human Rights, the general provisions (legal principles).



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