Larissa ZUIEVA
Judge of the Odessa Administrative Court of Appeal, Candidate of Law
In the article grounded and theoretical and methodological features of pedagogical mastership of professional judges in the system of judicial education. Problem in general due to the recognition of the importance of professional training The judge, acting on a professional basis. This is evidenced by the adoption of a number of international standards: UN Basic Principles on the independence of the judicial community; Council of Europe documents, and more.
Specified criteria pedagogical mastership of judges in their integrity as a result of synthesis of professional self-determination; professional activity; professional competence and professional experience as a state of «satisfaction» judge the results of their professional and educational activities.
The professional preparation of the judges would be much more productive, if it was grounded on morally-humanistic way of the preparational process; the principals of tolerance and democracy, the estetic and cultural development of the personality of a judges; of the methodics of realization would offer the systematic and the consequent professional teaching which would be oriented on the personality of a judge , making an accent on his needs in professional self-teaching and education, creating the morally-humanistic professional position for organizing the productive teaching dialogue ; the process of the development of the pedagogical mastership of the judges could be more effective, if a certain work would be done considering certain conditions (conditions-resources) realization of the lower -mentioned methodics, which are:
-self-learning of a personality for a judge as the key for reflexive ruling of the behavior and actions of the others;
-knowing the main aspects and specifics of the pedagogical activity of the judges-lecturers;
-learning the techniques of ruling the pedagogical interaction in organization of the teaching process for an audience of the the listeners with the higher juridical education;
-learning of the main role of the motives of a self-actualization of the personality of a judge in the pedagogical activity as a determetives of the creational activity of the judges;
-separation from the dominant role of the moralistically-humanistic way in a system of the professionally valuable orientations of the judges.
The process of the development of the professional mastership of a judge has to provide not just the achievements of aimes considering the system of the education of the judges, but also the realization of the personal feelings of the educational process, their bringing out to a social life. Orientation of the principles of the development of pedagogical mastership of a judge on a personality of each subject of educational process offers the philosophy from «effecting» to «interaction». The personality of a professional judge is being regarden as a special form of its involving into vital activity, the inside-world of judges-listeners, in the result of which an important understanding comes to their minds, for their personal development and changing an attitude to the world, and developing their professional mastership.
That's why the perspectives pf the future discoveries on this sphere consist from creating and involving a teaching-methodical complex into a system of education fur judges. This complex would prepare judges fur teaching activity, it would be a certain competed methodic of the preparation of judges, the main idea of which , would be the program of a special course «The basics of the pedagogical mastership of a judges».
Key words: pedagogical mastership judge, the criteria of pedagogical mastership of judges, the development of pedagogical mastership of judges.
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