Associate Professor, Management and Business Administration Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education and Distance Learning Precarpathian National University. V. Stefanyk, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor
The modernization of the legal system promotes the improvement of methodological approaches research categories and effects of legal science. The modern vision of the traditional legal categories and phenomen ashouldem body the views as a positive and natural law. Such symbios is appears to some extent novel against the back drop of established beliefs formed during the Soviet period.
But it over comes the usual academic approach the characterization of the legal categories that relevantin the light of the national leg is lation harmonization related to integration processes and the impact of globalization in general. The Constitutional Court of Ukraine is the subject of an official interpretation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. The author considers the legal positionas a legal category – a result of the official interpretation that emphasizes its law-making character. The legal position laid in the interpretative acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. They have normative signs which remind of signs law-normative act. The legal position is a science of understanding the sources of law. They are contained in acts of official interpretation of all kinds, except internal organization. These positions can be applied in practice, as enshrined in acts of the Constitutional Court, the provisions of regulations have legal significance for the regulation of social relations. This provides an opportunity to review well-established phenomenon in other hand. The question of delimitation of law-making and official interpretation is debatable. Legal science ambiguous attitude to this. In this are at here are many questions to which there are no clearanswers. Some of the mare controversial. Delimitation of law-making from the official interpretation, taking into account the current realities, have a conditional character. The activity of the Constitutional Court of the official interpretations hould beregardedas a specialkind of law-making - interpretative law-making. The legal position is aneffectivesource of modern Ukrainia nlaw.
Keywords: legal position of the Constitutional Court, interpretational law-making, the officia linterpretation of the law, thesource of law, regulatory, legal thinking, law, state.
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