Anatolii OGORODNYK, 

Director of the Chernivtsi Regional Branch of the National School of Judges of Ukraine, Candidate of Law Sciences, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine;



Lecturer, Chernivtsi Regional Branch of the National School of Judges of Ukraine, Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Justice, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University




An important condition for improving the examination of cases is to enhance the quality of training of judges. The National School of Judges of Ukraine in this process is a key and integral part. It is defined by the legislation on the judicial system.

In the article it was found that professional training of judge  should be based on  interactive teaching methods which allow to activate the listeners to active work  during  the studying, to closer him maximally to the practical aspects of the judge work, in real time to solve problematic issues  related to the application of rules of  the law in the professional practice  of  judge, to form in the audience a new vision, approach to solving various tasks, to provide the maximum assimilation of  the material by the listeners.


Key words: professional training of judges, studying, interactive methods.




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