The Juridical Discretion in Light of the Validity of Judgment
Mykhailo SAVCHYN,
Director of the Research Institute of Comparative Public Law and International Law of Uzhhorod National University, lecturer at the National School of Judges of Ukraine, Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor
The Juridical Discretion in Light of the Validity of Judgment
The subject of the article is judicial discretion in the light of the requirements of legal certainty, res judicata, and nature of the case law. It is noted that judicial discretion based on specificity and detail the legal principles and regulations in jurisprudence, which leads to the presence of content variations judgment under current law; because judicial discretion has nothing to do with illegal, arbitrary decisions. Depending on the circumstances and the need to weigh the legal principles courts can choose a strategy of neutrality of, continence and activism that has a direct impact on the state and dynamics of jurisprudence.
Key words: concretization of regulations, judicial discretion, judicial strategy, legal certainty, res judicata, rule of law.
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