The Role of the Judicial Education in Destroying Gender Stereotypes


Tetiana FULEY,


Head of the Department of Scientific and Methodological Support for the Training of the Judicial Corps of the National School of Judges of Ukraine, Candidate of Law Sciences


The Role of the Judicial Education in Destroying Gender Stereotypes


The article focuses on major objectives of the education and its influence on establishing and developing the system of values, inter alia, through hidden curriculum which continue to reflect gender stereotypes. The author underlines the role of judicial education in the implementation of gender equality principle mainly through promoting gender equality awareness. The last one requires elaboration of  training curricula and agendas and also implementation of newly-designed training methods. Based on the Concept Paper on National Standards of Judicial Education in Ukraine, where the requirements to each judicial course are specified, the author characterizes the approaches used by the National School of Judges of Ukraine in overcoming and destroying gender stereotypes. Particularly, gender aspects as an essential part of social context of justice are included to training courses, when it is appropriate, for instance Courtroom Management Course. The other approach is to develop stand-alone course on some topic relevant to gender equality. Therefore author describes in details the newly designed and piloted training course on Securing Equal Rights and Opportunities of Women and Men in Labor Relations and on Employment Market and defines learning objectives, expected results, structure and training methodology of this course.


Keywords: gender, gender equality, gender stereotypes, judicial education, judicial skills, hidden curriculum.



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