Chairman of the Illichivsk District Court of Mariupol, Donetsk Region, Candidate of Law



The article provides that the criminal procedural evidence is comparable to scientific knowledge in epistemological sense, with methodological framework consisting of provisions of dialectical and materialist philosophy, which are applied, due to their inclusivity in all areas of cognitive activity. This provided the grounds for the disputes over a number of opinions against the possibility of reaching the objective truth in the criminal process and spread of the philosophical doctrine concerning objective truth over the process of knowing the truth during criminal procedure.

The author proves that the achievement of the objectives of criminal justice is provided by such system of criminal procedural activities which are aimed at stating objective truth, the other concepts are not suitable for obtaining reliable knowledge concerning a crime and the person who committed it.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the philosophical concept of truth has many aspects in its essence. The author supports the view, according to which the objective truth in court knowledge is absolute and at the same time relative knowledge of a crime. Because of the immensity of the object of knowledge the truth is always relative. However, this premise is not applicable to reliable facts, including the circumstances to be proved and theoretically they may be and must be substantiated during criminal procedure in accordance with what actually occurred. Relative truth is also objective, albeit incomplete knowledge of a certain phenomenon. The relativity of truth means that the subject of knowledge knows all that is possible to know about the object being studied at a certain time and in certain conditions, but what he knows corresponds to reality and if this is enough to answer the basic question of criminal procedure then at subjective truth of the case is found out.

Based on a systematic analysis of the current Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine author concludes that the truth is still the purpose of criminal procedure evidence. The presence or absence of the term “truth” in the language of the law is not determinative in addressing the issue of targeting criminal procedure. As long as the law will compel the court to the adoption of a legal, reasonable and reasoned decision, the judge will always seek to know the truth.

Key words: truth, knowledge, evidence, criminal procedure, philosophy.



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