Chairman of the Lyubotyn City Court of Kharkiv Region, Candidate of Law



In this article an author analyzed the need of introduction of institute of mentoring locates in the scientific article for judges, and its prospects. The matters were not investigated in scientific legal literature. Therefore, the purpose of this scientific article is development of the basic theoretical provisions concerning mentoring institute for judges.

The way of the analysis of the legislation drew a conclusion that the institute of mentoring has distribution in many legal professions, for example the lawyer, the prosecutor, the notary. On this basis the concept of mentoring and the sphere of its application to judges is defined.

The main options of use of instructors for judges are designated, namely: in the course of selection to a position of the judge; to judges to whom disciplinary punishment is applied; in the course of qualifying estimation of judges; when translating judges from one court in another. Need of introduction for candidates for a position of the judge of training in court for the period of which the instructor should be fixed to the judge is proved.

Judgments concerning the bases and an appointment order for judges of instructors, requirements who should be put forward to them, the rights, duties and responsibility of instructors are expressed. The role of instructors is considered in aspect of granting to the judge of the necessary organizational and methodical help, transfer of professional experience, formation of positive sense of justice. Thus, considering a principle of independence of judges, the relations of mentoring should be voluntary and be under construction on the basis of judicial ethics.

There are formulated Offers on a standard regulation of institute of mentoring for judges are. In particular, need of development and acceptance of Statute about mentoring for judges by the Highest qualification commission of Judges of Ukraine is proved.

Key words: mentoring, assasmaent of judges, training, qualifying estimation of judges, transfer of judges.



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