Professor, Doctor of Laws, Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Supreme Court
The article analyzes the concept of legitimate interest, interest protected by law and the right of a person to judicial protection of the interest protected by law. The author identifies distinctive features of interest protected by law, which is subject to protection in administrative proceedings, and examines some peculiarities of the trial, the subject of which is the protection of the interest protected by law.
The article considers the question at what stage of the court proceedings the court should establish the presence or absence of the plaintiff’s legitimate interest that is violated and whether a member of a local community entitled to sue local self-government bodies (including on financial issues).
The author analyzes the provisions of the national legislation, the decisions of the domestic courts and the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the context of the access of a person, whose interest protected by law is violated, to justice, the right of such a person to a fair trial. The possibility of protecting legitimate interest in public relations, including financial relations at the national level and the importance of such a right for building a democratic society, was also considered.
Key words: interest, legal interest, interest protected, judicial protection, access to justice, administrative justice, subject of authority, territorial community, public finances.
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