
Head of Department, National School of Judges of Ukraine, Candidate of Law Sciences, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine


Leading researcher, the National School of Judges of Ukraine






The article is focused on methodological approaches to judicial skills development in application of Article 8 of the Convention and the сase law of the ECtHR in the administration of justice. A training course on this topic is one of the tools.

Such a topic for the development of the training course was selected due to the importance of the relevance and practical value of the right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence. It is also important to bear in mind that the fundamental rights guaranteed by the ECHR should be ensured within the signatory countries, without waiting for the ECtHR to legalize the extension of the catalog of legal relationships within the scope of the ECHR’s articles. The development of the training course took place together with a scientific research in this field.

The course on application of Article 8 of the Convention is specialized and is developed in the form of three separate trainings for judges of civil, criminal and administrative jurisdiction. Trainings are different in terms of content, but they are logically matched to each other. They include a joint module on the basic concepts of Article 8 of the Convention and several specialized modules on topical issues for each jurisdiction.

This course is aimed at knowledge consolidation and development of judicial skills in application of Article 8 of the Convention and the case law of the ECtHR in the administration of justice. In particular, it refers to aligning the national legislation with Article 8 of the ECHR, its interpretation in the light of the convention standards; systematical analysis of the decisions of the ECtHR and its acceptable for application in a certain case; identification of interference and determination whether this interference was justified under the second paragraph of Article 8, etc.

In order to achieve this goal, there were used certain tools and techniques that are effective in basic courses on the ECHR. In particular, the preliminary elaboration of ECHR decisions, the use of interactive adult learning methods – mini lectures with PowerPoint presentations, work in small groups, in particular, case studies, filling the analytical framework, video review, express survey etc.

Thus, the development of judicial skills in application of Article 8 of the Convention and the case law of the ECHR takes place in the process of this training course mastering with the help of innovative educational adult learning techniques.

Key words: ECtHR case law, right to respect for the family life, private life, home, correspondent, interference, criteria for justification of interference, judicial skills, interactive learning methodology.



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