Tsvitana BARANOVA,
Leading specialist of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
The election of the European vector of development of Ukraine sets the task and goals of our state today, implementation of which in the near future is mandatory. First of all, this concerns the issue of administrative and territorial reform and the reform of local self-government in the direction of decentralization. The establishment of a sovereign independent state and its further development is impossible without the establishment of an effective democratic system based on financially capable territorial communities.
The regularities of the formation of the world economic system show that the effectiveness of the implementation of the functions entrusted to them by joint territorial communities and the achievement of strategic priorities requires the proper formation of long-term strategies for the development of such communities, attracting investments, and directly involving members of territorial communities in addressing local development issues. In these conditions, the territorial community must act simultaneously as a carrier of socio-economic development of territories, and as a driving force for achieving the strategic goals of territorial education.
Defining the success of the declared tasks is a clear definition of priorities and the development of a methodological basis for the development of the united territorial communities in Ukraine, which will help to understand their own prospects and create conditions for the phased development of their own territories.
In the period of the formation of Ukraine as a democratic, social and legal state, taking into account the global changes that are taking place to date, development of local self-government is one of the priority directions of state policy. Especially the events of the fourteenth year outlined the European choice of Ukrainian population, which actualized the problem of implementation of ratified agreements with EU countries, including the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, as well as ensuring the qualitative development of the regions of the country as important components of the economic system of Ukraine.
Key words: territorial community, local self-government, municipality, decentralization.
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