UDC 347.962.6     

ORCID: 0000-0002-4627-1514                                                                                               

DOI 10.37566/2707-6849-2019-3(28)-4




Senior Researcher at the National School of Judges of Ukraine,

 Candidate of  Law


The article deals with violations, which are often grounds for bringing disciplinary liability of judges, as well as the enforcement of them in the form of a petition for the dismissal from position of judge.

 A special place in the system of legal responsibility of a judge is taken by the institute of disciplinary responsibility, the essence of which lies in the possibility of applying by a specially authorized body to an individual bearer of judicial power - judges of legal sanctions, directly provided by law, for violations in the sphere of professional activity. The institute of disciplinary responsibility is considered, the purpose of which is to solve social problems in the interests of implementing and maintaining the necessary level of efficiency of the system of judicial protection as a necessary guarantee of the protection of rights, interests and freedoms of people. The analysis of grounds for disciplinary liability of a judge and types of disciplinary punishment has been carried out. The obligatory signs of disciplinary violations that are the cause of prosecution are analyzed. It is considered  about  the application of the principle of proportionality to disciplinary authorities in determining the type of collection. The practice of applying the principle of proportionality of disciplinary organs in case of imposition of penalties and violation of the question of ambiguity of such practice is analyzed. The article states that with qualitatively similar offenses committed by different judges, the disciplinary bodies chose one type of collection, but in different proportions. The method of determining the principle of proportionality in differentiating the choice of terms in this type of collection for actually such mistakes seems unclear. Moreover, the use of the same principle in choosing different types of charges for virtually identical disciplinary offenses is unclear, in particular, when the repeat offense is a feature.

Key words: disciplinary responsibility of a judge, principle of proportionality, disciplinary offenses, penalties, dismissal from position of judge.



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