The Supreme Court's decision in the model case as a judicial precedent in the legal system of Ukraine
UDC 392.5
ORCID: 0000-0002-1419-0605
DOI 10.37566/2707-6849-2019-4(29)-1
Vasyl Ilkov,
Judge of Dnipropetrovsk District Administrative Court,
Doctor of Laws, Professor
The Supreme Court's decision in the model case as a judicial precedent in the legal system of Ukraine
The publication deals with the concept and features of the Supreme Court's decision in the model case as a judicial precedent. The judicial precedent in the legal system of Ukraine is the Supreme Court's decision in an exemplary case, which contains conclusions on the application of the rules of law and a formulated rule.
After the adoption of the new version of the Code of Administrative Judiciary of Ukraine and the direct introduction of the mechanism of decision-making in the model case and the actual systematic review by the courts of first instance of numerous typical cases on the basis of the model case, it can be concluded that in the legal system judicial precedent becomes a source of law in the administrative proceedings.
In the countries of the Anglo-American system of law, the Supreme Court ensures the unity of the case law at the highest level. The precedent system is vertical and requires judges to adhere to the decisions of high courts.
Today in Ukraine, belonging to the countries of the Romano-German legal family, one can already speak about the official use of precedents in the administrative process, namely the informal application of precedents in the decisions the Supreme Court in model cases.
The main features of judicial precedent are the fact that it is created when considering a particular case, combines individual-legal and normative-legal features, dynamism and a high degree of specification of the legal norm, which is objectified in the judicial precedent. Such decisions are always reasoned, authoritative and public.
A model decision contains the circumstances of a model case, which determine the typical application of substantive law and the procedure for applying such rules by courts and the subject of power, as well as the decisions in exemplary cases substantially optimize, refine and facilitate the judicially procedure in typical cases by a regional courts.
Key words: court precedent, model case; a typical case; Supreme Court decision in an exemplary case, source of law.
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