UDC 343.9.01                                                                                                                                                                  PDF

DOI 10.37566/2707-6849-2020-1(30)-7



Grygorii USATYI,

Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher


The state-legal mechanism of combating modern crime: ways to improve


The article is devoted to the issues of organizational and legal support of the mechanism of counteraction to modern crime in the conditions of a significant deterioration of the criminal situation in the state;  t examines the conceptual foundations and problems of the mechanism of combating crime and domestic criminal policy; the place and role of counteraction to crime in the state mechanism, its external and internal contours are reconsidered, insufficient elaboration of the corresponding doctrinal (theoretical) provisions is recognized; emphasis is placed on gaps in relevant legislation and inadequate regulatory support of law enforcement agencies (in particular, the lack of legal instruments on issues of anti-crime strategy, forensic examination, etc.Based on the study of the positive experience of the scientific community and the practice of law enforcement, proposals have been formulated in the relevant areas for improving the crime prevention system, increasing the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in the fight against the shadow economy, organized crime (and its individual manifestations), and an attempt has been made to optimize the modeling of the law enforcement system in the perspective preventive activities in the context of the implementation of the criminological policy of the state, determination of the strategy and tactics of combating crime.

Key words:crime, criminal law policy, crime prevention, crime prevention mechanism.





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