УДК 341.64

ORCID: 0000-0002-0466-9428

ORCID: 0000-0002-0147-7180

DOI 10.37566/2707-6849-2023-4(45)-10



Nataliia KAMINSKA,

Professor of the Department of International Law and Comparative Jurisprudence of the National Aviation University, Doctor of Law, Professor


Іevgenіia SHCHERBAN,

Doctor of Philosophy in Law



         The article analyzes the legal grounds and generalized practice of the ICC regarding prosecution for crimes of sexual violence related to the conflict. The generalization of the practice of the International Criminal Court regarding bringing to justice for crimes of sexual violence related to the conflict necessitates a thorough further study of both the organization and functioning of the International Criminal Court, the Prosecutor, the Chamber of Pre-Trial Proceedings, the Appeals Chamber, the peculiarities of the international legal personality of the Court, as well as the implementation of the investigation and criminal prosecution, fulfillment of requests and decisions. The horrific crimes of conflict-related sexual violence committed during the war in Ukraine must certainly be punished and the perpetrators brought to justice. And this involves understanding the conceptual foundations, legal basis, typology of this type of crime. Committing rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization and any other form of sexual violence also constituting a serious violation to the Geneva Conventions are considered both crimes against humanity and war crimes. Moreover, all victims of conflict-related sexual violence, regardless of gender, are subject to protection under the jurisdiction of the ICC.

The aspects that are important for Ukraine in the process of proving and gathering evidence of crimes of sexual violence committed by senior officials of the russian federation as crimes against humanity and war crimes are highlighted. Іt is useful for Ukraine when proving and gathering evidence of the commission of crimes of sexual violence by senior officials of the russian federation as crimes against humanity and war crimes, it is mandatory to take into account the following: 1) proving with appropriate evidence that the general purpose of the armed conflict is, among other things, the commission of crimes sexual violence; 2) this particular senior official exercised control over these crimes and did not take any measures to stop them; 3) this particular official knew about these crimes and did not take all necessary and reasonable measures within his authority to investigate and suppress them, taking into account all the circumstances of their commission.

Attention was drawn to the need to intensify cooperation between Ukraine and the International Criminal Court, to improve national material and procedural national legislation, and legal clarification activities.

Key words:Rome Statute, International Criminal Court, crimes of sexual violence, decisions of the ICC, implementation, armed conflict.


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