УДК: 347.61

ORCID: 0000-0001-6052-1017

DOI 10.37566/2707-6849-2024-1(46)-10




Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and International Studies law and public legal disciplines Kyiv University of Intellectual Property and rights of the National University "Odesa Law Academy",candidate of historical sciences, associate professor



The basis for the emergence of family disputes is the contradiction between the ideas of family members about the needs and the ideas and expectations of one about the other. In their lives, married couples often face various factors that can negatively affect the stability of family relationships.

Unfortunately, unresolved family conflicts most often lead to divorce, and later the conflicts deepen, because the question arises about the division of the property of the spouses, the place of residence of the children, the way one of the parents participates in the child's life, etc. To do this, you need to learn not only not to quarrel, but also to find a common language, so that, being divorced, you can make joint decisions in matters of life and raising children, because children suffer the most from family conflicts.

The advantages of using mediation over the resolution of the dispute in court are a number of factors that will have positive results at the final stage: parties are equal participants, everyone's interests are taken into account, and they do not act as rivals; participants independently describe problems, communicate in person and through a mediator; mediation helps establish a dialogue between the parties, normalizes communication and determines further relationships; a less lengthy process, it takes time to resolve and agree on all issues (3-5 meetings on average); the parties do not depend on lawyers, they directly take an active part in the negotiations; participants consider all possible options for solving the problem and accept those that suit all interested parties; the costs of mediation are much lower than the consideration of the case in court proceedings (additional costs are possible only for a lawyer and a notary to record a civil law agreement or a settlement agreement in court).

Key words: mediation, judge, family, family relations, family conflicts.


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