суддя Тернопільського міськрайонного суду Тернопільської області, кандидат юридичних наук




У статті висвітлюється проблема правосуб’єктності як форми буття індивідуальної свободи. Підкреслено, що реальна правосуб’єктність особистості можлива лише в суспільстві вільних юридично та економічно незалежних людей.

Ключові слова: людина-особистість, права людини, суб’єкт права, правоздатність, свобода, справедливість, принципи права, правова доктрина.



Bigun V. S. On the question of philosophy and theory of human rights: legal human understanding (some conceptual and terminological aspects). Problems of state formation and protection of human rights in Ukraine: materials IX region. scientific-practical Conf., Feb. 13–14. 2002. Lviv, 2003. P. 5–8 (abstracts of the report on the VIII region. Scientific-practical conference) (Lviv, February 13–14, 2002) URL: http://www.lawyer.org .ua /? w = r & i = 21 & d = 408 [ukr.]

Hudyma D. A.  Human rights: anthropological and methodological principles of research: dis. ... cand. jurid. Science: 12.00.12. Lviv, 2007. 288 p. [ukr.]

Gryshchuk O. Human dignity in law: philosophical problems. K .: Attica, 2007. 432 p. [ukr.]

Gurenko M. M. Development of political and legal Thought on guarantees of human and civil rights and freedoms. K .: Logos, 2002. 252 p. [ukr.]

Ivashev E. V. The relationship between anthropology and axiology as a factor in the development of human rights theory: dis. ... cand. jurid. Science: 12.00.12. K., 2013. 247 p. [ukr.]

Melnyk V. V. Humanity of banking law of modern Ukraine: philosophical and legal understanding: dis. ... cand. jurid. Science: 12.00.12. K., 2013. 220 p. [ukr.]

Patey-Bratasyuk M. G. Anthropocentric theory of law. K., 2010. 395 p. [ukr.]

General theory of state and law: textbook. For students. higher jurid. textbook lock / Tsvik M. V. and others; for order. Dr. Jurid. Sciences, Prof., Acad. M. V. Tsvik, Doctor of Law, Science, Professor, Acad. APrN of Ukraine O. V. Petryshyn. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2002. 428 p. [ukr.]

Oleksyk H. M. Fundamentals of the theory of law and the state. Synopsis of audio lectures. Uzhhorod: ZakSU, 2011. 232 p. [ukr.]

Radbruch G. Philosophy of Law. M .: International. otn., 2004. 238 p. [russ.]

Nersesyants V. S. Philosophy of law: a textbook for universities. M .: Izd. NORMA-INFRA · M Group, 1998. 652 p. [russ.]

Golovaty S. P. Rule of law: idea, doctrine, principle: author's ref. dis. for science. degree of Dr. jurid. Science: 12.00.01. K., 2009. 44 p. [ukr.]

Gradova V. G. The idea of the rule of law in the Ukrainian legal tradition: dis. ... cand. jurid. Science: 12.00.12. K., 2013. 247 p. [ukr.]

Bagriy T. Semantic and semantic characteristics of the rule of law. Scientific notes of NAVS. 2011. No 4. P. 38–47. [ukr.]

Daisy A. Introduction to the doctrine of the law of the Constitution of England. Anthology of liberalism: political and legal doctrines and the rule of law. K .: Books for business, 2008. P. 511–528. [ukr.]

Alexi R. The existence of human rights. Law of Ukraine. 2011. No 8. P. 121–130. [ukr.]

Chanturia L. L. Introduction to the general part of civil law (comparative legal study taking into account some features of post-Soviet law). M .: Statut, 2006. 349 p. [russ.]

Kalnoy I. I. Philosophy of law: a textbook. SPb .: Izd-vo R. Aslanova «Jurid. Center Press », 2006. 259 p. [russ.]

Patey-Bratasyuk M. G. Philosophy of Law. Ternopil, 2006. 250 p. [ukr.]

Hudyma D. A. On the question of the role of philosophical and anthropological research in jurisprudence. Problems of state formation and protection of human rights in Ukraine: materials XII region. scientific-practical Conf., Feb. 9-10. 2006. Lviv: Jurid. Faculty of Lviv nat. Ivan Franko University, 2006. P. 20–22. [ukr.]

Prychepiy E. M., Cherniy A. M., Gvozdetsky V. D. Philosophy: manual. - К .: Academia, 2001. 575 p. [ukr.]

Cicero. About the state. About laws. About the nature of the gods. K .: Osnovy, 1998. 476 p. [ukr.]

Bratasyuk V.  M. Legal reality as a form of expression of the intellectual tradition of the epoch (on the materials of the Romano-Germanic legal family): dis. ... cand. jurid. Science: 12.00.12. K., 2005. 198 p. [ukr.]