Senior Lecturer, the Department of Organization of Work and International Cooperation in the Prosecutor's Office, the National Academy of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, Candidate of Law Sciences




The article analyzes the specifics of implementing the legislation of Ukraine the right of citizens to appeal to the state authorities and local governments by directing e-petition. Procedure of submission and consideration is fixed the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine" On citizens' appeals on electronic appeals and e-petitions ".

In fact, there were the technical preconditions for the practical implementation of electronic applications. This is confirmed by-fixing on the State level electronic information system of appeals.

Electronic petition – a special kind of collective appeal, which has a defined range of recipients must obtain the support of a number of people for a limited time and will be considered in a special manner.

Today, electronic petitions are widely used in many countries, including USA, UK, France, Canada and Finland. It is possible most developed and effective to count the systems of organization of presentation and consideration of electronic petitions in Switzerland and Iceland. These systems have the serious legislative fixing.

Special attention is devoted to the analysis of the major threats that may arise during realization of rights of citizens to submit their electronic petitions.

The legislation in the above legal norms of the law is necessary to provide the right electronic submission of petitions by foreigners and stateless persons lawfully in the territory of Ukraine.

Another problem that may arise during the implementation of the citizens' right to appeal with the latest communications technology is no mechanism for verification and identification of the author and initiator of the e-petition. This can lead to abuse in the form of directing such request on behalf of other or not existent people.

Keywords: electronic appeal, petition, law, communication technology, author, author.



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