Олексій KOT,

старший науковий співробітник відділу проблем приватного права НДІ приватного права і підприємництва імені академіка Ф. Г. Бурчака НАПрН України, член Ради з питань судової реформи при Президенті України, кандидат юридичних наук




As the title implies the article is set on researching and studying cases in the sphere of corporate disputes. A mention should be made the cases are of great interest and help to understand practical application of Ukrainian legislation and approaches of the courts in the sphere of corporate disputes settlement.

The text gives a valuable information on the means of interpretation by courts of provisions prescribed by civil legislation, in particular, the Civil Code of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine, regulatory acts and others concerning protection of corporate rights.

The questions of recognition of the decision of the general shareholders meeting relating increasing the charter capital as null and void, and the grounds of such recognition are noted. It is also shown that the difference between the terms of «the decision to commit a significant transaction» and «decision on preliminary approval of significant transactions» is stressed in the decision of the Supreme Court of Ukraine. The author also in this research draws attention to attempts of the legislator to enhance provision of the law and gives his their detailed analysis. Recommendations are also given concerning the opinion of the High Economic Court of Ukraine that the rights and interests of the member of the legal entity and the rights and interest of the very legal entity should not be identified.

The article examines the practice of national courts concerning the means of protecting corporate rights, including an analysis of the opinions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine in its decisions, on the issue of corporate disputes, analyzed other means of protecting rights of participants of legal entities. In addition the author critically analyzed mechanisms to protect the rights of participants in case of increase of the charter capital of legal entity, which is quite interesting for scientific analysis. The article also illustrates the practice on the choosing the proper method of protecting corporate rights and, in particular, corporate governance rights.

Conclusions are drawn that considerable attention is devoted to protection of the corporate rights of members (shareholders) of the legal entity both by the legislature and the courts. However, these efforts do not always lead to appropriate and reasonable solution of practical problems and these problems require a fundamental research.

Key words: corporate law, protection of corporate rights, judicial practice, judicial protection of corporate rights.



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