доцент кафедри цивільно-правових дисциплін Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна, кандидат юридичних наук, доцент




The article analyzes the cases concerning the division of property acquired by the loan agreement during the marriage.

The article deals with the concept, the essence of acquired marital property, the legal nature of the property belonging to the couple purchased by credit funds and its population. Attention is paid to clarify the application of the method of dividing property, including its type, including specifics about divisible and indivisible things.

The article analyzes the major issues of common property; procedures and features of the division of joint property between husband and wife.

Described in the article and the problems of the division of marital property that is acquired by contract and determined that the contract concluded one of the spouses, creates responsibilities for the other spouse in the event that it is concluded for the family and received under the contract the property is actually used to meet the needs of the family, the author states that the important factor here is the account of «interest». Accordingly, if the contract is for the family, it received under the contract the property is actually used to meet the needs of the family. Also, the category of «interest» matters the court may derogate from the principles of equality of spouses shares in circumstances that are essential and take into account the interests of minor children, disabled adult daughter, son, or the other spouse that deserve attention.

Particular emphasis in the study done on debt, which captured the division of marital property. The article stated that counted since the separation of debt, both spouses have to bear the responsibilities of property, claiming the purchased property in kind, so the court has the right to determine the subject of division, and the division is not common property of spouses and common property. Formulated that because credit debts are joint debts spouses, the courts should properly identify the subject of joint property, its scope, and to set the amount of common property to analyze time, the method of acquisition and source of funds for the purchase of property, particularly important is not the fact acquisition of property during the marriage, and the source of its acquisition by means of joint or common work of marriage. It is necessary to establish whether it is personal or spouses each of their common funds, and as a result does not change the amount of compensation from sales of joint property due consideration made on account of implementation of the general debt of the other spouse personal funds.

Key words: marriage, spouses, common property, division of property, indivisible way share



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