УДК 347.92:347.7 (477)

DOI 10.37566/2707-6849-2022-3-4(40-41)-10

ORCID: 0000-0001-8755-7992





The article analyzes the competence of the court in the area of protection of freedom of entrepreneurial activity, which is formed from the system of procedural rules of administrative jurisdiction. It is determined that the rules of administrative proceedings have procedural advantages over other judicial jurisdictions, which strengthen the guarantees of the State's implementation of its constitutional obligations in the area of guarantees and protection of freedom of entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Thus, the principle of officialdom obliges the administrative court to be procedurally active, which is necessary to investigate all the factual circumstances of the court case on its own initiative. An administrative court may not refuse to accept a claim and resolve a court case regarding guarantees of freedom of entrepreneurial activity on the grounds of unclear, contradictory or absent legislation, the subject of legal regulation of which is the issue of economic (entrepreneurial) activity. It is stated that national courts, when resolving disputes in the area of ensuring freedom of entrepreneurial activity, have formed a number of legal positions, namely: a business entity is not obliged to provide a license to a regulatory authority if the economic activity it carries out is not subject to licensing; about the existence of discretionary powers of a public authority in the area of granting licenses for certain types of economic activity; ways to resolve the «hierarchical conflict of regulatory legal acts» regarding the conduct of economic activity. In the sphere of ensuring freedom of entrepreneurial activity, a number of problems have also been identified, which are specified in this publication, which requires systematic steps from the state to eliminate them.

Key words: freedom and guarantees of entrepreneurial activity, legal positions of the court, public law dispute, constitutional obligations of the state.



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