УДК 347.426.4:347.94

ORCID: 0000-0002-3023-5287

DOI 10.37566/2707-6849-2023-1(42)-5




President of the Fursa Legal Research Center, Doctor of judicial sciences (Dr.hab. in law), Professor,Honored Lawyer of Ukraine


eacher of the department of training teachers (trainers) of the National School of Judges of Ukraine, candidate of legal sciences, retired judge of the Kyiv Court of Appeal


         This article analyzes the scientific works and conclusions of the members of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Supreme Court, devoted to the topical and quite important and debatable issues of compensation for moral damage and the formation of the amount of compensation. The norms of the Civil Code of Ukraine, which regulate moral damage and its compensation, the norms of the Constitution, the judicial practice of consideration of civil cases on the compensation of moral damage to the citizens of Ukraine caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, as well as criminal cases, were analyzed.It was concluded that a particular difficulty in providing evidence in cases of compensation for moral (non-property) damage arises when criminal cases are considered in court, where illegal actions are performed by three or four persons. The complexity of such cases lies in the fact that it is very difficult to establish which individual's actions caused negative consequences for the victim, and the amount of compensation depends on this.In this regard, the author's analysis of court practice is quite important, in particular, the verdict of the Trostyanets District Court of Sumy Oblast dated May 9, 2023, according to which a civil claim for compensation for property damage caused by a criminal offense committed by the invaders during the period of moral damage, in particular the materials of the criminal case, where the actions and events of the committed crime were recorded, gave grounds to conclude that there are three types of evidence in cases regarding the compensation of moral damage: a) direct evidence; b) indirect evidence; c) decisive evidence.

Special emphasis is placed on the assistance of the prosecutor's office in protecting the rights of Ukrainian citizens by presenting group lawsuits to the court, the mechanisms of forming such claims, collecting and recording them are revealedcircumstances and evidence needed by the courts when considering this category of cases. Particular attention is paid to the grounds of the lawsuit, in particular, generally known circumstances that do not require proof are identified. But the authors argue that the court should approach the definition of such grounds individually, taking into account the age of the persons who suffered moral damage and the consequences that have come to them.

Key words: moral damage, war, compensation for damage, lawsuit, court, amount of moral damage, evidence, expert, arguments, court decisions.



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