УДК 343.352

ORCID: 0009-0009-6625-4234

DOI 10.37566/2707-6849-2024-1(46)-8




graduate student of the Department of International and European Lawfaculty of international relationsNational Aviation University



In the article, the author analyzes corruption as a criminal activity that consists in the use of public officials' power for personal enrichment.

 Historically, the concept of corruption has evolved from ancient Rome, where corrumpire meant «to destroy, break, bribe», to the modern understanding that covers various forms of abuse of power. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato described corruption as a destructive phenomenon that threatens the social order.

Much has been written and said about the fight against crime, and especially corruption, for a long time. Many scholars and politicians have devoted their works and statements to studying this problem and developing an understanding of it, as well as to developing ways to fight corruption. Improvements in legislation and law enforcement practice in the area of combating corruption are possible if certain social phenomena underlying corruption are understood.

In medieval Europe, corruption was viewed primarily as a sinful activity, and the fight against it was associated with the fight against the temptation of the devil. In modern times, with the emergence of centralized states and the expansion of international relations, corruption began to be perceived as a social disease that impeded the normal functioning of society.

Modern corruption research began in the 1960s. The definition of corruption is complex and multidimensional. For example, James Bryce and K. Friedrich define corruption as the abuse of power for personal gain. International legal acts, such as UN and Council of Europe conventions, provide legal definitions of corruption and its manifestations, covering bribery, abuse of power, and other forms of misconduct.

The problem of defining corruption remains relevant due to its complexity and diverse forms. Sociological research contributes to the development of more precise definitions that take into account modern social relations. International legal acts are trying to standardize the concept of corruption and establish responsibility for corruption at the global level.

Key words: international cooperation, fight against corruption, countering corruption, signs of corruption, causes of corruption.


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