UDC 343:340.65                                                                                                                                             PDF

ORСID: 0000-0002-6700-2831

DOI 10.37566/2707-6849-2020-1(30)-6



Kateryna Katerynchuk,

Professor of the Department of special legal disciplines Humanitarian Institute Tavrida National V. I. Vernadsky University, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor



Associate Professor of Criminal law and procedure department

National Economic Universitynamed after Vadym Hetman,

candidate of law sciences 


The features of qualification of some kind of crimes against person’s health


The article deals with the problems of qualification of particular crimes against person’s health, which is provided by Section II of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Particularly, special attention is given to the delimitation of related crime structures, namely: grievous bodily harm (part 1 a. 121, 128) and negligent homicide (a. 119) from illegal abortion (a. 134); bodily injury (a.a. 121, 122, 125) from being left in danger (a.135), violation of patient rights (a. 141), unethical human experimentation (a. 142), violation of the established order of organ and tissue transplantation (a. 143), illegal medical activities (a. 138); forced donation (a. 144), from premeditated murder, negligent homicide and premeditated grievous bodily injury (a.a. 115, 119, 121); qualification features of illegal disclosure of medical information are considered (a. 145). The distinguishing features of the articles are investigated: the article 116 (the premeditated murder of emotional excitement) and 123 (premeditated grievous bodily harm of intense emotional excitement); the correlation of several special rules is installed among themselves (a. 123, 124 and p.2 of a.121).

Suggestions were made regarding to the qualification of grievous bodily harm in the commission of other crimes, as many articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine provide «serious consequences», which are some of the most uncertain and controversial and require further study.

In practice, the provision of criminal law theory and qualification rules are not always taken into account, and provision of by-laws is outdated. Therefore, the criteria for delineation of some crimes against human's health were analyzed. Their particular features (objective and subjective) are established and they took the role of distinguishing features.

Key words:personal health, crime, harm to health, personal injury.





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