УДК 346.93:347.962.3 (477)

DOI 10.37566/2707-6849-2024-2(47)-10




lawyer, arbitration manager 



he article analyzes the problems of the methodology of determining the threat of insolvency of the debtor in bankruptcy cases, as a basis for imposing joint and several liability on the head of the insolvent debtor for failure to satisfy the demands of creditors. The purpose of the article is a critical analysis and assessment of regulatory definitions and existing approaches in judicial law enforcement practice to determining the state of the threat of insolvency of the debtor in bankruptcy procedures, identifying their shortcomings, developing recommendations for improving regulatory and legal regulation and judicial interpretation of this concept. The author comes to the conclusion that the idea of the threat of insolvency as a static phenomenon established in modern judicial practice needs to be revised based on the reinterpretation of this phenomenon as a dynamic process. The existing approaches in law enforcement practice to determining the threat of insolvency are unreasonably limited in nature, since they operate with an insufficient number of factors (initial data) that do not take into account the variability of the financial situation of economic entities and do not allow to adequately assess the degree of risk of insolvency, and, as a result, to correctly determine the presence or absence of a state of threat of insolvency. It is emphasized the need to use more flexible and adaptive economic methodological approaches, based on the dynamic nature of the threat of insolvency, taking into account a wide range of indicators of the debtor's activity and their relationship over time. The need to apply a rebuttable presumption of insolvency in cases of failure of the debtor to provide the arbitration manager and the court with information about his own financial situation and the documents necessary for their verification is substantiated during the consideration of bankruptcy cases, provided that the fact of insufficient funds to fulfill obligations is established during the consideration of the bankruptcy case. the term of which has come.    

Key words: bankruptcy, arbitration manager, financial analysis, threat of insolvency.



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