УДК 341.174:340.142

ORCID: 0009-0008-8674-5340

DOI 10.37566/2707-6849-2024-2(47)-4




 Candidate of Law, Doctoral Student of the

Department of International and European Law

of the National Aviation University




The article is devoted to revealing the peculiarities of the legal and international legal nature of the judicial precedent, along with other related categories, as well as highlighting the importance and role for the national and international legal order.

In view of the modernization of social relations, which are the objects of regulation of national, supranational and international law, it is natural to study the system of sources of law, especially judicial precedents, along with other dynamic components of modern legal systems, existing legal orders. It is these sources that ensure the unity of judicial practice, the resolution of legislative and international legal gaps and contradictions, and contribute to the protection and restoration of violated human rights and freedoms. By guaranteeing the stability, integrity and predictability of legal systems, the trust of citizens in judicial bodies of various levels and jurisdictions increases. At the same time, the experience of Ukraine, EU member states, the Council of Europe and other international organizations, within which the role of judicial bodies and judicial precedents is significant, case law is developing, demonstrates consideration of national traditions of law-making and law enforcement, interaction and mutual influence of legal systems of various dimensions, balance of stability and dynamics, continuity and development, etc.

At the same time, the multifaceted nature of such a phenomenon as a judicial precedent, especially in the conditions of the activation of the European integration processes of Ukraine, the existence of significant problems with the implementation of the decisions of the ECtHR, etc., justify the need to conceptualize and correlate the categories "judicial precedent", "judicial practice", "case law", "judicial law-making", "judicial activism", etc., determination of their role in strengthening and modernization of national, supranational and international legal orders. That is, it is natural to specify and novelize the conceptual and categorical apparatus, study the experience of individual states, international organizations and judicial bodies in the context of their creation and provision of implementation mechanisms, including by improvement. Argumentation of the integration, regulatory, information and other functions of the studied court precedents, taking into account the challenges and risks at the current stage, is considered important.

Key words: judicial precedent, international legal order, national legal order, supranational legal order, court decision, sources of law



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