To the authors
For authors
Requirments for scientific publications
The articles on an actual theme, containing the results of deep scientific research, novelty and substantiation of the scientific conclusions of the corresponding purpose of the article, which have not be previously printed before, are considered for review before publication in the magazine. Scientific articles are submitted in the state language. The author should indicate the name of the journal section in the field of law for which the article is intended.
In case of refusal to publish the article, the editorial board does not enter into discussion with the authors of scientific articles.
Technical arrangement:
Editorial Board of the magazine reserves the right to reject articles that don’t correspond to the requirements of the magazine.
All materials, coming to the editorial board and corresponding to the theme of the magazine are subject to mandatory review with the participation of at least two experts, before publication. The articles are accepted in Polish, English, Ukrainian, Russian and other languages of EU countries. The file with the article must have:
a. Universal Decimal Classification
b. Contact details (e-mail for the contact in the publishing process).
c. Information about authors (First and Last name, patronymic, science rank, science grade, if an author with a link has orcid (open researcher and contributor identifier), author must identify it.
d. Position, place of work or study, city/town, country).
e. The title of the article, annotation and keywords.
f. Financing information: grant or program (if available).
g. The text, accompanied by links to the sources used (the order number of the source, with the page in square brackets in the order of reference), containing:
Ø the statement of the problem and its relation with science or practice;
Ø an analysis of recent research that has begun to address it;
Ø allocation of unresolved parts of the problem;
Ø formulating the goals of the article;
Ø presentation of the main material with justification of the obtained results;
Ø conclusions from the research and prospects for further scientific search.
Ø References (in English)
h. References (in Ukrainian and in English)
All sources from the references should be quoted in the text of the article;
otherwise, the corresponding element should be deleted.
i. Annotations to the article in three languages (Ukrainian, Russian and English), each of which is accompanied by keywords (up to ten), the author's first and last name, the subject in the respective language. The volume of annotations in Ukrainian and in Russian should be 250-500 characters. The annotation in English should contain 1800 characters.
In order to check the quality of the translation of the English-language abstract, the author sends his translation into Ukrainian.
The following materials are sent to the editor-in-chief of the Editorial Board to publish the article:
· electronic copy of the article in * doc;
· photo file of the author (co-authors) in * jpg or * tif format (not less than 600 dpi);
· excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of the academic council of the faculty, the department on the recommendation of the article to print (for graduate students, adjuncts, doctoral students), as well as a review by a scientific advisor. Documents shall be submitted certified in due course.
An article that does not meet the aforementioned printing requirements is NOT accepted.
Articles may express the views of their authors, which may not be in line with those of the editorial board.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to review, edit, reduce, and reject articles.
Review principles
All articles entering the editorial office of the journal "Slovo of The National School of Judges of Ukraine" are closed reviews by reviewer.
After the evaluation of the scientific article, the reviewer gives a conclusion:
• an article is recommended for publication;
• an article is recommended for publication after its completion by the author, taking into account the comments made;
• the article is not recommended for publication.
• the reviewer submits to the editorial board a review signed by a standard or digital signature
Scientific articles may be sent for further consideration:
• insufficient expert qualification, indicated in the issues considered in the scientific article;
• insufficiently high level of primary expert judgment;
• acute controversy of the provisions expressed in the scientific article.
The author is personally responsible for adherence to them in the preparation of the article of the rules of the current legislation (in particular on the protection of intellectual property rights), the accuracy of the stated information (including the names and names mentioned in the article of individuals and legal entities), quotations and references to literary sources and rules of legislative acts, translations of annotations and keywords in the article.
Any manuscripts and supplementary materials received for review must be processed as confidential documents. They must not be shown to or discussed with third parties except as authorized by the editor.
Authors can find an example of designing a scientific article on the site of the magazine "Word of the National School of Judges of Ukraine" in the section "Archive of numbers".
The National School of Judges of Ukraine
st. Zhylyanska, 120 a, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01032
Phone / Fax +38 044 597 09 30
Executive Secretary: Oksana Shamrai, the Head of department, National School of Judges of Ukraine, Candidate of Juridicial Sciences
Phone / Fax +38 044 597 09 30