УДК 347.454

ORCID: 0000-0002-9562-8735

DOI 10.37566/2707-6849-2023-2(43)-9




professor of the Department of Economic Law and Economic Jurisdiction of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Doctor of Legal Sciences, professor



         In the theoretical works of domestic authors, there is a lack of a unified and generalized understanding of the inherent characteristics of bankruptcy proceedings, which require additional scientific research up to the present time. This is why the definition and comprehensive understanding of the main features of bankruptcy proceedings and insolvency are highly relevant. Only I. O. Vechirko conducted a compendious study of this complex problem. Therefore, there is a significant shortage of research dedicated to this issue in national theory. In the historical past and in the present, both in our country and in foreign countries, there has existed and still exists a variety of perspectives on this issue. Such a situation became the motivating factor for writing this article. In our opinion, among the main inherent characteristics of bankruptcy proceedings and insolvency, the following should be included: the coincidence of creditors; the debtor's liability for the benefit of all creditors in case of insufficient assets; the unity of the subject concerning which creditors' rights collide; the presence of bankruptcy procedures, especially the procedure for restoring the solvency of the debtor; a specific composition of subjects characterized by specific legal subjectivity and its transformation during the proceedings; the performance of various procedural actions within the named proceedings; the uniqueness of methods and means of protecting the rights of participants; the application of specific protective measures; the specificity of the jurisdiction of the commercial court; the staged nature and deadlines of bankruptcy proceedings; material-legal and procedural-legal conditions for initiating bankruptcy proceedings; the objectives of these proceedings; specific legal and social consequences; and the relationship between the application of the norms of the Bankruptcy Code of Ukraine and the provisions of the Code of Economic Procedure of Ukraine, among others. Each of the mentioned characteristics can be the subject of separate research. Therefore, we believe that in this case, we should not talk about a special form of economic justice but about a separate, independent type of judicial proceedings – bankruptcy proceedings. Gradually, procedural relations in bankruptcy should come out of the sphere of regulation by the provisions of the Code of Economic Procedure of Ukraine and be regulated only by the provisions of the legislation to the sphere of regulation of which they belong, namely, bankruptcy legislation.

Key words: bankruptcy, bankruptcy proceedings, bankruptcy procedures, debtor, creditors, coincidence of creditors.


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